
Posts Tagged ‘hamster’

WordPress has delivered their weekly photo challenge and the theme is “friendship“.

My selection comes from my eldest child, Christopher, and one of his friends.

Pet hamster

I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille

This is Cumin, Christopher’s pet hamster.

Cumin was Christopher’s first sole pet. All other pets that made their residence in the Mannski abode were shared between our three children. Christopher bought Cumin – and all of his accompanying gear (e.g., cage, food, plastic ball) – with his own money. Cumin stayed in Christopher’s room and our eldest son learned responsibility (mainly be feeding Cumin and cleaning his cage on a regular basis). He also had Cumin star in several of his videos where Cumin terrorizes a hapless Lego village. Christopher and Cumin had a wonderful three years together.

The timing of this challenge is quite apropos as this month marks one year since Cumin’s passing.

Christopher learned many a great lesson about how to take care of pets and how to befriend little critters. Sadly, he also had to learn how to handle grief and loss.

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