
Posts Tagged ‘family’

I never had the assistance of domestic help as I was growing up. Okay, there was the cleaning woman who came by our house every two weeks to help out my sainted mother, but that’s it.

Even when the Mannski Family left the United States and landed on the Continent, we never took advantage of any domestic help. Okay, this was mainly because it was as prohibitively expensive as it is in the States, but we knew co-workers of my fantastic wife who did avail themselves of this option.

Actually, I’m glad we never hired a maid or helper because I know I would have felt particularly awkward having someone walk around my living space cleaning and dusting and vacuuming while I was trying to write or edit my work.

Well, all that has come to an end here in Thailand as we have had to hire domestic help and my trepidation of feeling awkward has certainly come true. While I certainly feel terribly odd about having another person wash my dishes or mop my floor when I have two perfectly good working hands and feet, this is not the main source of feeling like a fish on a bicycle.

No, it’s the conversation. Even putting aside the fact that I speak no Thai and she speaks little English (oh, why couldn’t we move to another place where they speak French) and so our dialogue sounds like it came out of a Dick-and-Jane story, this is not the source of my awkwardness. It’s the subjects of which we speak. While it would be dandy if we could stick to cabbages and kings and sealing wax and things, this is not the case.

But first, some background.

Ophelia, my youngest child and only daughter, lost a tooth during the night here in the Land of Smiles. Her missing piece of hardware was a molar so there was some bleeding. Nothing to be too worried about.

The next morning, as I was on the computer continuing my work on David’s manuscript, our maid came over with the bloody sheet. She showed me the linen with the red splotch and asked, in her halting English, “Her first time?”

Because our maid’s English is not all that good and is heavily accented, it took me a few tries to understand what she was saying. I finally did decipher three words and finally understood that the “Her” meant Ophelia.

I was still somewhat paying attention to my editing task and so my mental process was working on a reply that revolved around the fact that my daughter had lost several teeth during her short life. I actually thought it was odd why our maid thought my grade-school daughter had never lost a tooth before.

Then I saw the blood on the sheet and it hit me like a Tooth Fairy with a sledgehammer what our maid was really asking about.

She was asking if this was Ophelia’s first period.

More than watching someone wash my socks while I sat at the computer, our maid and I had now moved way past “awkward” and into the land of downright “stomach-churning uncomfortable”.

Why a complete stranger (and one I was paying) would even broach the subject of my daughter’s menstrual cycle is beyond me?

Maybe this culture has different attitudes that I’m not aware of.

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The settling in of the Mannski Family to our new digs in Thailand has reached a point where I can take a breath and catch up on all the on-line zaniness that I missed while moving halfway across the world.

One of those on-line activities that I have missed and am glad to come back to is the Weekly Photo Challenge brought to you by the fine folks over at WordPress.

On Friday, they announced their theme for the week was carefree.

My response is, “What could be more carefree than the Happiest Place on Earth?”

During our nomadic experience between the Continent and Thailand, the family stopped off in the States to visit my side of the family in California. One of the things we did while there was to visit the House of Mouse in Anaheim. One of the new attractions in California Adventure is the Cars ride. Below you can see a group of carefree folk about to enjoy the latest and greatest Disney has to offer.

Please remember to exit to your left.

Please remember to exit to your left.

Seriously, who could be more carefree than a chap enjoying roller coasters and turkey legs.

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I’ll admit it. When all was said and done, I was smug.

But first, some background. For the past two years, the Mannski Family has been living in France courtesy of a fabulous job opportunity offered to my wife. Because of her exquisite ability to speak the French language, she was a no-brainer to be the winning candidate for the position. Along the streets of Paris, she had no difficulty at all dealing with the locals whether it was the guy at the cable TV office, the police officer, or the person she bought bread from. The story for me as a tad different. I had taken French in middle school and high school so I had a fair-to-middlin’ grasp of the Gallic tongue. I was able to squeak by in te grocery store as I could ask where the lettuce was, but if the conversation went any deeper, I was lost. Over the past two years, I spent a good deal of time using pantomimes and doodles to get my point across to my non-English-speaking audience. It was rather frustrating to be face-to-face with someone and not be able to convey my point because of an issue with translations. As I would express my frustration to my employed wife, she would sympathize, but I don’t think she could ever fully empathize with me. For her, language was never a barrier.

Jump to the present day and the playing field is now level.

Here in Thailand, the Thai script is beyond my comprehension. The letters used by this script is like nothing I have ever seen. Looking at all of the road signs and business marquees and understanding NONE of it makes me now understand what a functional illiterate person must feel like.

At the moment, I only know two Thai phrases: “hello” and “thank you”. Those two quivers in my linguistic quiver do me no good when I am in the fruit and vegetable market and am looking for asparagus. This is where pantomimes and doodles come in handy…along with a great deal of patience from my Thai listener.

So, to attempt to talk with someone and have it end up as a frustrating endeavour is nothing new to me. The story is different for my wife. A few days ago, she was finally able to see what life in France was like for me.

After an excursion to a local grocery store – that quite honestly looked quite similar to a Walmart – Mary and I saw that we were running late and decided to grab dinner at McDonalds. My wife decided to order while I watched our shopping cart to make sure no one walked off with our durian. She was set to order (for the kids) chicken nuggets, cheeseburger, and Big Mac. She was going to get a chicken sandwich and I was set to try a samurai pork burger.

From my vantage point outside the eatery, all I saw was my wife doing a whole bunch of pointing. Later, she told me that the cashier spoke not a lick of English and so she had to order solely by pointing to each item that she wanted. The cashier would also point to each item and my wife would nod when the cashier arrived at the right item. Mary told me that it was quite aggravating to not be understood.

As the cliché goes, “Welcome to my world!”

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The Mannski Family was faced with a choice and that choice has been made.

Nearly two years ago (March 2011), the Mannski Unit made the decision to move (temporarily) from our home in Virginia to France. The genesis for this lateral move was the fabulous opportunity presented to my wife to use her PhD for a non-profit.

My wife’s contract expires early next year and we were all set to move the family back to the Old Dominion.

Then, as usual, something out of the blue appeared over the horizon, took a cab to our apartment, and brought a croissant to munch on our balcony while it gave us the following opportunity.

My wife, through the contacts she has met here, has been offered a position with a multi-national corporation (MNC) to use her degree and experience to assist their affiliate in…

…wait for it…

Bangkok, Thailand.

It probably took us slightly over a day to make our decision.

Come the middle of 2013, the Mannski Family will be setting up shop in the Land of Smiles.

For my wife, the professional advancement and experiences offered by this position made her decision easy.

As for me, the non-working spouse who hit the pause button on his career, the choice to move across the globe from our Virginia home was also easy but for a different set of reasons.

I have been bitten hard by the international bug after living abroad for over a year and a half in a foreign country. Seeing new things, experiencing new cultural traditions, and eating new cuisines (to name a few) have been beyond my expectations and I do not want it to end. Thailand will only accelerate and intensify this broadening of my cultural horizons.

Reason Number Two (which dovetails with the first reason above) is that I believe that living abroad will also broaden the cultural horizons of our three children.

However, there is another reason why I am opting to not return to the country of my birth. That reason is because, in over a year away from the United States, I have come to the conclusion that the red-white-and-blue is completely bat-guano bonkers.

From the over-the-top negative tone of the 2012 Presidential campaign…
To the endless red-state versus blue-state sniping seen in news programs and Internet comments…
To the paralysis of its politicians (I point to the debt ceiling limit “debate” of 2011 and the “fiscal cliff” negotiations of now)…
To the lack of tolerance towards those with any dissenting views (I point to the on-line petition to the White House to deport CNN personality Piers Morgan)…
To, finally, my desire that I don’t want the lives of my children cut short courtesy of the “gun culture” of the United States…

For all those and other reasons, I have opted to not reside again in the best country in the world, the United States of America.

I am astounded at how much my perspective has changed after being away for a scant amount of time, but changed it has.

It is my sincerest wish that whenever my wife’s employment with MNC ends (whenever that may be), that the wonderful people and policy-makers of the United States of America get their act together and work together to make the “land of the free / home of the brave” the shining beacon I know it can be.

Until then, I will enjoy the view from the outside.

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Travel Theme: Foliage

The calendar marches on and brings us to Friday, which means the day is a’popping with photography challenges from across the Intenet.

For today, I am hanging with the site Where’s My Backpack? and its theme of foliage.

My submission comes from my digital shoebox – the 2007 version to be exact – when the family and I enjoyed a fun afternoon berry picking during an August in Maryland.

Berry Picking

Raspberries, I believe

That’s my daughter, Ophelia (at least the version of her from five years ago) doing her best to deposit as many raspberry stains as she can on her clothes.

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It’s time once again to make my middle child, Jared, the star of today’s posting. We’ve seen him as a culture explorer, a film industry expert, and as Tony Hawk.

With school in full swing for my trio of children, it is my responsibility to monitor their homework. To assist me in my quest, the school has provided all the kids with a planner so that they can write down all of their daily and weekly assignments.

In the first week of my middle child’s educational career, I opened up his planner and saw, once again, the unique creative artistic talent that he has.

Below, you can see his twist on the “How Are You Feeling Today?” poster…

Various skulls drawn by son

Oddly enough, “scared” is not a choice

And, before you ask…No, I am not worried about Jared. He’s a smart, intelligent, creative, stable lad who simply likes to draw skulls and other creatures that would set your teeth a-chattering.

(But, I do worry about his spelling.)

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For college professors needed to know the cultural touchstones of the incoming freshman, Beloit College has unveiled its Mindset List for the Class of 2016. Some of my favorite items of note that show how those born in 1994 (those who make up the Class of 2016) differ from folks of my age (born 1968) include…

…They have never seen an airplane “ticket”;
…Lou Gehrig’s record for most consecutive baseball games played has never stood in their lifetimes;
…They have no recollection of when Arianna Huffington was a conservative; and
…NBC has never shown A Wonderful Life more than twice during the holidays.

The above is simply one of my hooks to dive into my real story for this post…which starts now.

In this e-space, I have often written about my children as other people. Examples include my eldest, Christopher, as a comics books expert; my middle child, Jared, as Roger Kint (the character from The Usual Suspects); and my daughter, Ophelia, as a corporate drone in training.

To this menagerie, I can now add my wife who enters this space in the cloak of a non-nerd. Submitted for your approval are two stories…

a) As a surprise to my boys, she went to a video store and rented what she thought was Star Wars: Episode III. She brought back this…

Cover of fan-made Star Wars flim

This is most definitely not Revenge of the Sith

Instead of the film starring Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen, she had picked up a fan-made film entitled Revelations.

We only watched 10 minutes of this work before we turned it off.

z) Jared told my wife that one of his friends was planning to dress up for Halloween as Hawkeye. My wife’s response was, “How does your friend know about M*A*S*H?“.

Of course, the boy was talking about the characters from The Avengers movie while my wife was thinking of the character played by Alan Alda.

Now, I cannot be too snarky about my wife being a non-nerd because I believe in the axiom that opposites attract. While she may not know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, or know what TARDIS stands for, or quote the Three Laws of Robotics, she does know how to cook like a boss, fix any deficiency with our car, and she can quote Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

BTW, that line submitted for your approval that I used above would have no resonance with the Class of 2016 because, as the Media List from Beloit College states…

The Twilight Zone involves vampires, not Rod Serling.

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This week sees the annual celebration known as Shark Week, but in the halls of our family, this week is also the time that my beautiful wife and I toast the day we were married.

Seventeen years ago, she and I tied the knot. In that time, we have moved across the country and across the ocean. In that time, we have raised a trio of fabulous children.

It seems like such a long time ago that we exchanged our vows. In one sense, seventeen years is a blink, but in another sense the world is a vastly different place from when she and I were single.

In 1995…

…the Web browser that was set to rule the wired world was Mosaic. (Interesting point of fact: Version 1.0 of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer also turns 17 this week.);

…searching the World Wide Web was done via sites such as Lycos, Webcrawler, and AltaVista.

…Apple Computers was a company on its death bed. Don’t take my word for it, here’s the assessment by Steve Jobs (then working at NeXT Computer) during an April 1995 interview with the Daniel Morrow :

What ruined Apple was values. John Sculley ruined Apple and he ruined it by bringing a set of values to the top of Apple which were corrupt and corrupted some of the top people who were there, drove out some of the ones who were not corruptible, and brought in more corrupt ones and paid themselves collectively tens of millions of dollars and cared more about their own glory and wealth than they did about what built Apple in the first place–which was making great computers for people to use…
Unless somebody pulls a rabbit out of a hat, companies tend to have long glide slopes because of the installed bases. But Apple is just gliding down this slope and they’re loosing market share every year. Things start to spiral down once you get under a certain threshold. And when developers no longer write applications for your computer, that’s when it really starts to fall apart.

(Perhaps Jobs meant to say an “iRabbit out of a hat”);

…the national debt stood at $4,942,932,713,160.94 (the current total is nearly 4 times that amount);

…the only American hardware on Mars were Viking I and Viking II;

…Mark Zuckerberg was 11 and a facebook was that thing that new students to a college or university received that had pictures of all the freshmen;

…the word “twitter” was always preceded by “a-“;

…Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny could only be seen in The Spirit of Christmas;

…Madonna, U2, Bruce Springsteen, the Rolling Stones, and Aeromsith were popular in the world of music;

(Okay, not much has changed with that last item, so try this…)

…The Rembrandts, Hootie and the Blowfish, the Presidents of the United States of America, Des’ree, and the Backstreet Boys were also popular in the world of music; and

…Micheal Phelps was 10, had won zero Olympic medals, but did already hold a swimming record for his age group.

Yep, it’s a different world.

In fact, we’ve been married so long that we now fall off the list of traditional wedding gifts. We have to wait until there is a “0” or “5” after our anniversary number to know what to gifts to give each other.

Regardless of the amount of time that has passed, it is a wonderful ride and I can’t wait to see what the next 99 years have in store.

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How do we learn things that make us who we are?

What was the process that you, as a youngster, accumulated the cultural knowledge that you possess as an adult?

I have no idea as to the answer to those questions, but I do have a story that highlights that mechanism, so please, Madames and Monsieurs, put your hands together and welcome to the stage, once again, my middle child, Jared.

Previously, Jared has starred in this space as a film industry expert, the movie character Roger Kint, and skateboarder Tony Hawk.

Out of absolutely nowhere last week, Jared announced he wanted to see the movie Moby Dick. Thrown a bit, I did manage to ask if he wanted to see the Gregory Peck version (1956) or the Patrick Stewart interpretation (1988). He said he did not care and he himself took the initiative and found a DVD of the 1956 version (whose screenplay was written by science fiction legend Ray Bradbury by the way) which he watched and enjoyed.

Later, I was trying to figure out where his desire to see Ahab, Starbuck, and Queequeg on the screen came from and I was able to track his request to a pair of items.

First, my brown-haired son enjoys playing computer games online such as those from Miniclip and Addicting Games. One of those games he played a few weeks ago is entitled “Moby Dick” and in it you play the great white whale as you smash boats and eat harpooners.

Second, last month, Jared and I enjoyed a wonderful father-son bonding experience as we watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. For me, this is my favorite of the Star Trek movies and I was happy to share it with Jared. Near the end of the movie, Khan (Ricardo Montalban) begins to quote a passage from Moby-Dick (“From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee”). I let Jared know where Khan was quoting from.

So, given two separate references to Herman Melville’s work, Jared took it upon himself to delve closer to the source material. Good for him.

Maybe he’ll tackle the book next, but I wouldn’t want him to become too obsessed over it.

Obsession is a tricky thing. Just ask Khan and Ahab.

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The lovely, sharp, and creative folk at WordPress unveiled their theme for their Weekly Photo Challenge and it is right up the alley of all blog writers as the theme is create.

In November of 2010, our family was fortunate enough to be able to go on a cruise (previous scribblings about this trip can be read by pointing your browser of choice to here and here and here).

In addition to winning one of the coveted “Ship-On-A-Stick”, Jared participated in an activity that taught him how to make a few of the iconic towel animals that Carnival Cruises is famous for.

Here is Jared working on an elephant using two towels.

Towel making class

Pachydermical Construction

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