
Posts Tagged ‘Hugh Jackman’

There are times when my children say things that…well, insert your own cliche here, and you tell me how you would describe your reaction to my son’s statment.

So my three children and I are enjoying a pleasant Sunday lunch at a Mexican restaurant which has TVs on the walls showing the various NFL pre-game shows.

On one screen, showing ESPN, was Mike Ditka, former Chicago Bears tight end and coach of the Super Bowl XX-winning Chicago Bears.

My middle son, Jared, looks at Mr. Ditka and says, “Hey, it’s Wolverine with a moustache.”


It took me a few second to realize Jared was talking about the movie version of the X-Men mutant as played by Hugh Jackman.

I truly have no idea how he made that connection (ah, the brain of a child works in odd ways), but for your amusement, here is a comparison and you make the call:

Mike Ditka

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

I’m pretty sure there’s something about the intensity in their eyes that is similar.

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